Saturday, April 11, 2009

Carmella's Hands

Maybe Sopranos is yesterday's news, but I'm just finishing the series now. Late bloomer? Arrested development? Whatever. (AD, btw, best show EVER!) I know I touched on the allure of watching series TV in one fell swoop on Netflix DVD in an earlier post. Simply the best! You catch so many things that you probably otherwise would not have. Case in point: Carmella's hands. They have a starring role of their own, and in my opinion should get billing in the opening credits. I can watch her sculpted nailed, bejeweled fingered, robust hands sort through mail, prepare a lasagna, open a jar of mayonnaise all day and all night. Captivating, mesmerizing, soothing. An entire cable network should be devoted to those hands alone. That's all.

(About the Artwork:  Leonardo Da Vinci, The Study of Female Hands Drawing, The Royal Library, Windsor)

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