Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Homeless Hoodie

I must give credit where credit is due. Today I saw a homeless person - I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman - snoozin in the subway station. Normally the light, the traffic, the noise might bother someone, but not this person. S/he had a hoodie on; a zipper hoodie on backwards with the hood up. Genius. Bet your bottom dollar I'll be investing in a new one. You never know when you might find yourself curbside in need of a nap. Ya just don't.

(He, she, it. He, she, it. When I was a kid I would say that really fast so it sounded like "he shit." My p-rens would shoot me a look, and I'd say, "Whaaa? I'm practicing reciting my pronouns." I know. Stupes.)

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