Friday, May 8, 2009


Because of my other blog (please read it too, link upper right), I looked up the spelling/definition of kraut. I normally use, but the Merriam-Webster's online dictionary said, "Often capitalized usually disparaging." Now I'm not wholeheartedly sure what that exactly means, but found it odd and automatically felt a kinship to it. Is the kraut often disparaged or the capital K when used? Why would anyone disparage either? It's actually sauerkraut, so the k would not be capitalized. So it must be the capital K that is disparaged. Poor K. (Jejeje, por que'.) However, by all means do not go by what I think. We all know that when God was handing out grammar, and I got in line, he goofed and gave me gram-mammary. A saggy old lady boob. That's what I carry round in mine brain to helps me with my readins and ritins, so I use it as sparingly as me can. Therefore, coincidentaldamly, my gram-mammary is often sparaged. In other words, I try not to use it, butt when I do, I use it wisely.

HOLD THE PRESSES. I suddenly get it. Duh. Kraut is a slur and disparaging to Germans. Waaaiiit. Hold on a minute. I'm German. Now I'm PISSED off! Better to be pissed off than pissed on I suppose. Unless of course, you're into that sort of thing.

(I know. So dumb. But I go there sometimes. No really. I go there often. It's fun.)

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