Sunday, September 27, 2009

1 Guy, 12 Cups = $24 Savings

Before you read any further, I would like for you to know that I am available for hire to speak at colleges, write business plans or simply give general, sound financial advice. For real, you're going to think I'm some sort of fiscal wizard (a fis-wiz) after reading this shit.

Recently I found myself spending as much as $4 on a single cup of iced coffee (or latte) each day. The average cost I will say was $2. So, I decided I needed to start saving money by making my own iced coffee at home, complete with coffee ice cubes. I know. I know. Genius. But wait, it gets better. I brew a pot of coffee every night. 12 cups. I let it cool, transfer it to a nice pitcher to place in the refrigerator, and then I awake in the morning to a wonderful cup of home brewed, freshly chilled iced koffie (a shoutout to my friends living in Dutchland). For a while there I had even been stashing plastic cups, tops, and straws so that I was able to satisfy that coffee-to-go experience. Still, hold that praise of brilliance, it gets even better yet.

I got to thinking if I'm saving at least $2 a day on my iced coffee then I should be drinking more, therefore saving more. Yep. I worked my way up to drinking the entire 12 cup pot in a single day. Now, not only was I saving $2, but it was like I was making 22 more dollars each day just by drinking coffee. (That's what it would have cost me, right?) According to my calculations I was saving/making a whopping 168 extra dollars each and every week. What a great way to supplement your income during these tough economic times - not to mention spend a productive day very much awake. Suze Orman watch out. There's a new financial genius in town, and he's wearing new jeans, taking lavish vacations, and showering friends and family with expensive gifts all simply by drinking coffee. Top that, you penny-marshall pinching lesbo. It's on!

(Kidding. I was just thinking about that episode of Three's Company where Chrissy kept buying birdseed because it was on sale, and she believed she was saving money. The more she bought, the more she made. So she thought. Anyone remember that? Makes sense to me.)

1 comment:

  1. I love this: "There's a new financial genius in town, and he's wearing new jeans, taking lavish vacations, and showering friends and family with expensive gifts all simply by drinking coffee."
