Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Hot in the Hot Tub!

Really? No shit Sherlock. There's a WAR ON WILDFIRE that is actually PRODUCING IT'S OWN WEATHER SYSTEM directly in your backyard. Hmm, says the fire cheif. I wonder if we have everything we need in order to get this raging lunatic of a fire under control? 12,000 people evacuated. Check. 265 Engines. Check. 2800 fire fighters. Check. 12 helicopters. (TWELVE!) Check. One Hot tub containing two dildos. WTF? Two people who ignored mandatory orders to evacuate The Station Fire while trying to ride it out in their hot tub were badly burned and had to be air lifted out. That was a really good use for the helicopter. Huh? Ya know, I may have empathy (or maybe it's telepathy) for the dumb, but I certainly have no sympathy. Can these a-holes be charged with anything other than first degree dumbfuckery? I truly hope so.

(I bet these dipshits were trying to fight fire with fire. Fools! Look at her all smug in her Dutch oven or tub or whatever that is.)