Monday, October 19, 2009

Who the fuck is Barry?

I'm turning into impatient agro guy. A grumpity old curmudgeon. Listen to this and let me know what you think. I was patiently waiting in line at the bank recently. I was probs only patient because I was completely zoning out. Just waiting and zoning. Not really a thought in my head. So I thought. Suddenly I realized I was listening intently to the guy two guys in front of me talking on the phone. It was surreal. When the conversation finally registered I couldn't believe what I was actually hearing. I was dumfounded. It went something like this:

Who's Barry?
Who's Barry?
Who's Barry?

If you ask me to, I can imitate this conversation perfectly. Keep in mind I only heard the one side, and it may have even gone on a bit longer.

Was this conversation really taking place? I was about to scream at the top of my lungs so the guy on the other end of the phone two guys away would hear me. "BARRY. HE SAID FUCKING BARRY. WHO THE FUCK IS BARRY? BARRY GODDAMN IT. BARRY!" Now I also wanted to scream  at the guy two guys away. "IS THIS REALLY YOUR CONVERSATION? ARE YOU THAT PATIENT, OR JUST THAT DUMB? SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? WHAT THE FUCK! YOU FUCKING DUMBASS."

Now by this time I felt utterly invested. I needed to know who Barry was. In fact I was dying to know. Who the fuck is Barry? There better be a fucking Barry. I wanted them to produce a Barry. Who is Barry?

They continued on a bit before they finally came to the realization that nobody even said Barry. "Ohhhh. Darion." Darion? Darion! Can you even fucking believe it? They were having that back-and-forth over Barry, and the there never even was a Barry. Nobody knew Barry. It was Darion. I about died. I was beyond pissed. I'm pissed right now writing this. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it just does.

Honestly friends, maybe I have been in NY too long. I'm starting to become too hardened just like that one silly book said. Live in NY at least once, but leave before you become too hard. Well guys, I'm too hard. And not in the good way.

(This is the first Google image for Barry. He looks like a nice guy.)

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